EU- India Cooperation Forum
Quick recap of our latest sponsored event - "Strengthening India - Europe Economic Relations- Opportunists and Way Forward": Please visit the event page for more info
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EU-India Cooperation Forum
EU - Ind Cooperation Forum (EICF) is an independent non-profit think tank based in Chennai. To foster closer relationship and better understanding between policy makers, institutions, academic community, business community, NGOs, and other civil society actors as well as media.
EICF would strive to be the leading forum for debate on EU – India relationship and foster closer relationship and better understanding between policy makers, institutions, diplomatic community, academic community, business community, trade unions, NGOs, and other civil society actors as well as media. more> To provide decision makers, both in the public and the private sectors in India and Europe with authoritative and independent information, analysis and policy proposals. Our consulting practice offers services for public and private institutions. Furthers its knowledge base by working with leading universities, research institutes / thinktanks in India and in the EU.
Our Research Areas
Foreign Policy
Policy consultation for India in developing a long term policy towards EU and each major economy in the EU (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain and the Central & East European countries) and other policy related activities for details read more
In this we would like to do researchers on the following specific areas, climate change negotiations, Sustainable corporate reporting, environmental and labour standards, international industrial competitiveness and carbon leakages read more
We would like to work on the following specific areas IPR, issues related to MNCs conduct in external territory, sustainable corporate reporting, financial transaction tax, financial market regulation, movement of capital and financial flows, environmental and labour standards, transparency and public procurement, deliberations on the ongoing FTA negotations, international industrial competitiveness and carbon leakages read more
Our Activities
From the EICF point of view, it is seen as important that Indians are exposed to the perspectives of continental Europe. So an EICF scholarship was conceived to sponsor one Indian student for a Masters in Public Policy (MPP) program in Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, Erfurt, Germany every year.
We propose to start this facility in due course Facilitating sectoral dialogue process between key stakeholders on pressing policy challenges, offering consultation for civil society groups on both sides, offering consultation for European companies with policy challenges with Indian government, private sector and for Indian companies with policy challenges with European governments
Trade Facilitation
We propose to start this facility in due course. To facilitate business in terms of regulatory policy in all sectors, for Indian companies in different EU member states, for European companies in different states in India
We would be interested in organising or co-organising conferences, events, seminars, lectures that foster EU – India relationship.
Summer School Programs
We organise or co-organise summer school programs between Indian universities and European universities.
Exchange Programs
We would like to support exchange programs between India and the European countries for Young leaders, Parliamentarians, Media, Professionals, Performing artistes